Link to purchase Whale Guardian Brush

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We're giving away 25% of proceeds from sales of the Whale Guardian Brush to the Toowú Latseen School Project, a training group for Lingít indigenous youth, based on the old warrior's code and traditions but evolved with radical love and healing.

The Whale Guardian Brush was designed in collaboration with Lingít, Filipina, and Kanienkehá:ka activist, storyteller, and artist, Maka Monture Paki | Keixé Yaxtí. 

Whale Guardian Brush Intention: Guided by the rhythm of migration, whales teach us harmony in motion. In their wisdom, we find strength in community. As they compose songs of connection we learn from their poetry with humility. Our hearts resonate with their existence as we cherish their role as guardians of the ocean's spirit.

Whale Guardian Brush Mantra: I am very much a new thing in the folds of the world. Our Ancestors, let them carry me on their backs. The stars are guiding me, the way that they shine upon me. 

Tlax̱ ḵúnáx̱ yées átx̱ x̱at sitee yá Lingitʼaaní g̱eixʼ. Haa Léelkʼu Hás áwé has x̱at gag̱ayaa. Wé ḵutx̱.ayanahá át yaa x̱at shunagút aadé ax̱ kát kawdigani yé.

(Translation by X̱’unei Lance Twitchell, M.F.A., Ph.D.)

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We're giving away 25% of proceeds from sales of the Whale Guardian Brush to the Toowú Latseen School Project, a training group for Lingít indigenous youth, based on the old warrior's code and traditions but evolved with radical love and healing.

The Whale Guardian Brush was designed in collaboration with Lingít, Filipina, and Kanienkehá:ka activist, storyteller, and artist, Maka Monture Paki | Keixé Yaxtí. 

Whale Guardian Brush Intention: Guided by the rhythm of migration, whales teach us harmony in motion. In their wisdom, we find strength in community. As they compose songs of connection we learn from their poetry with humility. Our hearts resonate with their existence as we cherish their role as guardians of the ocean's spirit.

Whale Guardian Brush Mantra: I am very much a new thing in the folds of the world. Our Ancestors, let them carry me on their backs. The stars are guiding me, the way that they shine upon me. 

Tlax̱ ḵúnáx̱ yées átx̱ x̱at sitee yá Lingitʼaaní g̱eixʼ. Haa Léelkʼu Hás áwé has x̱at gag̱ayaa. Wé ḵutx̱.ayanahá át yaa x̱at shunagút aadé ax̱ kát kawdigani yé.

(Translation by X̱’unei Lance Twitchell, M.F.A., Ph.D.)